Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Realtor Recommended Home Inspectors

I am responding, in this post, to the credit counselor I mentioned in the GRANTS AND CREDIT COUNSELING post.

He accused Realtors and Real Estate Agents of Recommending Home Inspectors that just pass houses without disclosing the "real" condition of the property so that the deal goes through. It is a ridiculous accusation.

In my office, agents use and recommend different home inspectors. I have had buyers go out and hire their own. I attend all of the inspections so I can be informed and witness any problems, which may exist with the exception of the roof. I attend the inspections to help my client's bargaining position and to ask questions, which my clients do not necessarily have the experience themselves to ask. I do not go on the roof, however.

What I am looking for in a home inspector, which I said before is one who will take the risk to provide estimates and also take pictures. I want a home inspector, who is patient with my buyer and will answer their questions. I want good service. Why?

  1. To let the buyer know what the actual conditions of the property are,
  2. To give my buyer negotiating leverage,
  3. To give my buyer the ability to get out of the contract and retain their deposit money,
  4. And to make my buyer's home purchasing experience a good one.
There are two things to remember. First, the home inspector is a licensed person and has potential liability. They generally look for everything! They do not want any stone unturned. Yes, sometimes they scare the buyers, and sometimes that is a good thing! Sometimes the buyer should get out of a contract.

Second, your Realtor is a licensed person, and has liability if they are not representing your interests. Further, reputation is everything to a Realtor. If you bought a house, and your Realtor worked in cahoots with the home inspector to hide the real condition of the property, would you recommend that person? No, of course not. Referrals are the life blood of a Realtor, and what this credit counselor accused us of is absurd!