Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Very Basics of Social Networking - FACEBOOK

I know this blog is "off topic" for what this blog is entitled, however, I have been getting contacted a lot lately on issues surrounding Social Networking and what to do with a FACEBOOK account. I am probably going to ask more questions here than answer questions.

Social networking is nothing new. The only thing new is the fact that you can do it so easily sitting at your desk and looking at the computer. You no longer have to join organizations, clubs, etc., and go out and take the time to meet people in person. You can now do it all from the comfort of your desk or phone. I think, however, you must give some equality and the same consideration to what you are trying to achieve on the web to what you would do in person.

First, why are you on the web? Why are you on FACEBOOK? What are you looking to get out of it? I am assuming that if you are reading this entry, you are not merely socializing. If you are, my advice to you would be completely different than what is to follow.

Second, the photo... THE PROFILE PICTURE... please, please, please..... put up your photo. If you are trying to connect with people, it is far more effective to have a photo than not. People want to feel like they can connect and know you. It goes back to the old cliche, "a picture is worth a 1000 words". The photo stays in people's memories. When they see a message from you, that photo pops up in their minds. You become a face they know and with whom they feel comfortable. A generic silhouette just does not convey the same thing.

Third, what does your PROFILE PICTURE say? I see all types of photos on FACEBOOK. Some are fun. Some are serious. Some are clearly inappropriate. What are you trying to say? This goes back to the first set of questions. Why are you on FACEBOOK? If you are on FACEBOOK trying to promote yourself as a serious professional, is a shot in a bikini the most appropriate? (I suppose it depends on what you are trying to say, but.... )By the same token, and I know some people will not like this comment, if you are trying to promote yourself as a serious professional, is a shot in a bar, with your children, with the love of your life the best profile picture? There is plenty of room for these pictures in the photo tab to tell a story about yourself, and that is probably the best place for those photos. Let the picture talk about you. How would you dress if you went to a professional organization for a luncheon? I am not saying that it is the way you have to present yourself, but I think you must give it some consideration when picking the photo.

A FACEBOOK friend of mine actually had a profile picture, when we first met, of the back of his head. It was very funny. It caught my attention, and I knew that this would be someone I liked. Thus, I am saying to consider what the photo says, but it is more complicated than putting on a suit and going to Sears portrait gallery for a picture. The formal portrait works for some people, but not everyone. Humor can be as effective as a well taken portrait to get you noticed. You are marketing yourself. Remember that fact.

Then there are a few other things I would like to address: the wall, the email address, the information tab, and manners.

The wall.... be courteous to your friends. I have seen things like pictures posted on peoples' walls that are basically pornographic. I remember seeing one, where the woman, who was a Realtor, had a FACEBOOK friend post a pornographic picture on her wall. Even though I did not know this woman personally, it went against everything else she was presenting about herself. Don't do this kind of thing to your FACEBOOK friends. If you do, expect a complaint and to be deleted and possibly lose your account.

Also, on the wall. Some people will not allow anyone to post anything on their wall..... mmm.... I am not sure I understand this move. You are here trying to connect with people, right? Well, that goes against the "idea" of connecting. Only you can put up things on your wall. Is it just an advertisement? Perhaps someone can answer this question for me.

On the other hand, don't post spam on other people's walls. Don't post your website links, etc.. There are other ways to promote yourself through private messages, fan pages, invites, advertisements, etc.. It is poor form, and personally, I delete your entry immediately. If it is a link to something of mutual interest, etc., that is different.

Email addresses. You should collect them. You should post an email address. FACEBOOK will not allow you to export email addresses, so it takes some effort to collect them. There is a reason you are trying to connect with these people, so keep track of them. I am finding, however, that if someone is not willing to post an email address, I am reluctant to keep them as a friend. I look at their information and try to see what they are trying to sell me. If it is "all a sales pitch", then they will probably go, and be deleted. They are not trying to network with me, they are only trying to sell me. Personally, I am not interested in having this friend.

The information tab. Wow, people are all over the place with this tab. Some people have essentially no information and some people have a biography. I will not guess, which one is correct. What I will say, however, is that if you are using FACEBOOK as a business networking tool, do you really need to list your marital status, your religion and your political views? If it is somewhat connected to what you are doing, then I would say okay. But if it isn't relevant to your business, isn't saying your are there for "networking" enough? I have friends, which are turned off by religious and political statements, and will delete you just because you post these things. You probably would not mention marital status, religion or politics if someone came into your place of business, so why would you post it here? I do know others, however, where it is relevant. They may work with their spouse and want you to connect to the spouse too. They may be politically active and want you to connect with them on that basis. Even religion may be the connection, but give it good consideration. Don't casually give away this information about yourself.

Birthdays are another item that some people delete. I would leave them in. And for the simple reason that it is another chance to connect. Your name pops up on your birthday. People check birthdays and sometimes the date is something meaningful for them. It is just another opportunity to connect. It is another opportunity for you to come to people's minds.

The last item, which I will write about more in the future is manners and etiquette. If you make a connection, there should be a thank you or acknowledgement of that fact. If someone writes to you, respond. Of course, if they are sending you advertisements, applications, etc., do not feel you have to participate in any of these things. But if it is something personal, you should respond. If they are instant messaging you, I would say that you do not have to respond. People cannot demand that you are automatically available, because they are. However, it would be nice to acknowledge in a private message that you were sorry that you missed their instant message.

I want to assure everyone reading this entry that I have made many, many mistakes in this venue. However, I am sharing here what I have learned. And have more to share.

The last thing to remember is to check your FACEBOOK at least in the morning and in the evening. Keep current on what you are doing, or what is the point of doing it at all?