Saturday, February 28, 2009

RESULTS: Are Properties in Your Market Getting Multiple Offers and Snatched Up?

I will confess that I was hoping to get a bigger response, but I am grateful for the responses I did get.

I put the following call out to Realtors®:

Are properties in your market getting multiple offers and snatched up?

The response was 8 yes (66%) and 4 no (33%). In addition, I received responses on my profile page on FACEBOOK as follows:

  • yup! there are at least 4 offers per property
  • Not in Charlotte..yet! please send your good fortune our way!
  • Yep, especially short sales. I have one now that has 8 offers on it.
  • The retail level is returning & competing with the wholesale short sale prices...
  • Yes I just had multiple offers on my listing in Des Moines
  • only if they are bank owed.
  • multiple offers seem to be going in the 250k-350k range as the market is picking up by the day.
Thus, it seems to be looking up for some of us. I don't know what I can attribute it to. I can only speculate. However, hopefully, we are on the way back to business as usual, and it will spread to those areas and locales that are harder hit in the near future.


In the past few days, HACKERS have been out there causing mischief on FACEBOOK.

You get a notification like the following:

So and so just reported your profile as it is in violation of Terms and Conditions! Click for Details

The first time it happened to me, I could not believe it. When I clicked, I could not get to the page and was worried that I would lose my page and all of my FACEBOOK FRIENDS. I know enough people, who have lost their accounts for requesting too many friends too soon or posting too many links or sending too many like messages. So, I wrote to one of the developers on FACEBOOK, but I have not had a response yet.

I removed the friend it came from. I could not have imagined what I did to offend this woman. The only things I had sent out were from my blog and only to those of you who had signed up to be a "reader/fan" of my blog on NetworkedBlogs.

Last night, however, I received another. This time when I clicked through. It said that my "profile picture" was inappropriate as were my comments. I looked at the friend that it came from and just knew that this man did not send a complaint. I have had little contact with him and knew that he had better things to do with his time! Then, another friend wrote to me and said that he got a notice that I had reported him. I received another one this morning and wrote to the friend to tell her about the message.

I posted on my STATUS:

Lauren is SAYING TO THE HACKERS who are saying she is reporting friends for violations of use - I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GRAND TIME! And, oh yeah... get a life too.

I want all of you to know that I am not reporting you. And I now, realize that you are not reporting me. There are bored, little people out there that should put their powers to good, who are just getting a big "Ha!Ha!" out of getting other people upset.

Last year, they were sending videos from your account to your friends. That caper seemed to be cured. This little prank is a little more malicious, but hopefully, FACEBOOK will figure it out and get it rectified sooner than later.