Saturday, February 28, 2009

RESULTS: Are Properties in Your Market Getting Multiple Offers and Snatched Up?

I will confess that I was hoping to get a bigger response, but I am grateful for the responses I did get.

I put the following call out to Realtors®:

Are properties in your market getting multiple offers and snatched up?

The response was 8 yes (66%) and 4 no (33%). In addition, I received responses on my profile page on FACEBOOK as follows:

  • yup! there are at least 4 offers per property
  • Not in Charlotte..yet! please send your good fortune our way!
  • Yep, especially short sales. I have one now that has 8 offers on it.
  • The retail level is returning & competing with the wholesale short sale prices...
  • Yes I just had multiple offers on my listing in Des Moines
  • only if they are bank owed.
  • multiple offers seem to be going in the 250k-350k range as the market is picking up by the day.
Thus, it seems to be looking up for some of us. I don't know what I can attribute it to. I can only speculate. However, hopefully, we are on the way back to business as usual, and it will spread to those areas and locales that are harder hit in the near future.


  1. No, not yet! But I am seeing more competition between regular homes on the market.

  2. Multiple offers . . . most agent sin my market would be happy to get 1 offer per property. The KC market has not picked up yet.
