Friday, March 13, 2009

RESULTS: Do You Think You Are Seeing Activity as a Result of the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit?

The results to the poll are as follows:

YES: 3 (27%)
NO: 6 (54%)
MAYBE: 2 (18%)

The comments on my FACEBOOK wall are as follows:

Pam Ziegler Bell, "I voted. I don't know if it's too soon to tell or if it's because I am not sure how it really helps them. Most of them need the money to get to settlement. I am going to try to promote it a little more to see what response I get. What do you think?"

James Baxter, "... I am a Realtor in San Diego. I have been seeing an insane increase in activity since the first of the year. Personally I do not see a relation with the tax credit. But I do see a relation with all time low interest rates and low prices. Homes under 300,000 are on the market for a short time and are getting multiple offers. To me it makes seance. It is at prices people can once again afford."

It would seem in this unscientific poll that the "NO's" have it. I am, however, one of the
"YES" votes. I feel fortunate that I am in one of those markets where things are relatively good, and picking up. And this increase in business is the reason that I have been away from this blog. I am getting lots of calls as a result of the Tax Credit. How many will develop into contracts and closings? I don't know yet; too soon to say. But it seems, at least, here in Philadelphia that things are picking up, properties are moving and there is a lot of interest in buying.

I think any Realtor, Buyer or Seller should make a point to address and take advantage of this Tax Credit, while it is available. If you aren't talking about it, you should be.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised my the results of your poll. The fact that the credit is extended until the end of the year really doesn't create a sense of urgency to act. If people are still on the fence, they may want to wait it out through the spring/summer and see what is going on with the market. I do however think that people should move to take advantage of the low rates/prices.
