Saturday, February 28, 2009


In the past few days, HACKERS have been out there causing mischief on FACEBOOK.

You get a notification like the following:

So and so just reported your profile as it is in violation of Terms and Conditions! Click for Details

The first time it happened to me, I could not believe it. When I clicked, I could not get to the page and was worried that I would lose my page and all of my FACEBOOK FRIENDS. I know enough people, who have lost their accounts for requesting too many friends too soon or posting too many links or sending too many like messages. So, I wrote to one of the developers on FACEBOOK, but I have not had a response yet.

I removed the friend it came from. I could not have imagined what I did to offend this woman. The only things I had sent out were from my blog and only to those of you who had signed up to be a "reader/fan" of my blog on NetworkedBlogs.

Last night, however, I received another. This time when I clicked through. It said that my "profile picture" was inappropriate as were my comments. I looked at the friend that it came from and just knew that this man did not send a complaint. I have had little contact with him and knew that he had better things to do with his time! Then, another friend wrote to me and said that he got a notice that I had reported him. I received another one this morning and wrote to the friend to tell her about the message.

I posted on my STATUS:

Lauren is SAYING TO THE HACKERS who are saying she is reporting friends for violations of use - I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GRAND TIME! And, oh yeah... get a life too.

I want all of you to know that I am not reporting you. And I now, realize that you are not reporting me. There are bored, little people out there that should put their powers to good, who are just getting a big "Ha!Ha!" out of getting other people upset.

Last year, they were sending videos from your account to your friends. That caper seemed to be cured. This little prank is a little more malicious, but hopefully, FACEBOOK will figure it out and get it rectified sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. Could have been totally random and that person did not even know about it. They may have been hacked as well!

    I agree, GET A LIFE!! Too much time on their hands I think!
