Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vroom, Vroom, Vroom.... Beep, Beep, Beep!!!!!!!!!!!!! PART ONE

WOW! Everyone is in such a hurry these days... I guess if I were speaking to a psychologist they would tell me people are overworked and stressed out etc.. blah, blah, blah.

I have tried to write this in several ways, but it seemed like I was blathering on. So below, I am going to list my pet peeves and suggestions:

  •  "EXCUSE ME" has become synonymous for "GET OUT OF THE WAY". THEY DON'T MEAN THE SAME THING! When you say, "Excuse me", you have to let the other party actually move.
  • Get out of the way for FIRE ENGINES AND AMBULANCES. They will hold you up about 30 seconds to 1 minute. They could be in a hurry some day for you!
  • When everyone does pull over for an ambulance or fire engine, let the cars ahead of you back out in traffic.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. You are not in the aisle of the store or on the sidewalk by yourself. It is probably a good safety measure as well.
  • When walking your DOG on the neighbor's walk, CLEAN UP AFTER THEM. Picking up after the dog was part of the deal when you got the dog (15 seconds and a bag).
  • Say PLEASE AND THANK YOU (3-4 seconds).
  • BICYCLES.... STOP SIGNS AND LIGHTS APPLY. Yes, you can cheat them a bit, but I see too many of you giving drivers and pedestrians heart attacks.
  • When someone puts on their blinker to change lanes, come one, let them in! Will it change your whole day if you don't?
  • When someone stops in the middle of the street to jump a car or do something else, give them a few minutes. Your "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" is only aggravating and not helpful.
  • If there are parking spots available, don't stop in the middle of the street, PULL OVER!!!!!!!!
  • Zig zagging through traffic is just bad form and dangerous.
  • SHOPPING CENTER PARKING LOTS.... If some jerk is waiting with their blinker on to pull into a spot someone is vacating, don't pull in ahead of them.
  • SHOPPING CENTER PARKING LOTS... they are not speedways. There is a lot going on and you cannot see it all.
  • SHOPPING CENTER PARKING LOTS... when someone is pulling out of their spot, let them out!
  • JAY WALKING... Philly has the world champions of jay walking.  Don't cross at the red while there is a lot of traffic, don't stand in the street in a traffic lane. I grabbed one of my clients the other day by her back pack back onto the curb. The car stopped when he crossed the intersection and said, "Thank you." It must happen to that guy as much as it does to me.
  • WALKING DOGS AND PUSHING STROLLERS...they are in front of you. Don't put them in traffic! You people scare me!
  • EMPLOYEES IN STORES.... maybe you hate your job, but it is not my fault! Also, don't want to hear how you got really messed up last night, etc..
  • CURSING... Yes, I know all of the words, and use them, but there are places it is not appropriate.... people censor yourselves.
  • LOUD PEOPLE... You hurt my ears! Why do I have to listen to all of your crap on the bus, in a restaurant, and anywhere else in public. DON'T YOU HAVE AN INSIDE VOICE?

I know that there is more for this list and I will return to it at some point in time and is the reason for naming it PART ONE.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Shopping for Mascara is More Difficult than Finding the Perfect Pair of Pumps!

So, I stopped at CVS today to buy NEW MASCARA.  Not a thrilling chore, but one I keep forgetting to do. My tube had been getting dryer and dryer, and it was getting harder and harder to coax anymore of the goo out of the tube and onto my lashes. I walked to the cosmetic aisle, I stood before the Maybelline Mascara display, became dizzy and wanted to cry. I hate to think I am so old that I long for the OLD DAYS, but I guess, I have arrived!!!

Rounded Brush
I remember the days when your choice was Black, Black/Brown or Brown/Black, Brown, and Blue. There was also waterproof or not.  Then, I think it was Cover Girl that came out with a fancy rounded brush that was supposed to, I guess, curl your eyelashes. It looked like the one pictured to the right, but was a dark blue tube.

Now standing there today, staring at the mascaras covering the wall, only one looked vaguely familiar and that was the GREAT LASH. The packaging has changed, but I still recognize it. Yes, this is the one I should buy, but I was mesmerized and intrigued by the promises the other packages make!

OK, I start with the XXL PRO. Obviously from its name, it must be the best.; it has a couple of X's and says that it is professional. The design is attractive and modern. The eye appeal is very good. I can buy the XXL with:
  • Extensions, or
  • Curl, or
  • Volume, or
  • 24 hour Bold



Okay, so I stand there like and idiot and think, "Well, I want my mascara to lengthen, thicken and curl my lashes. I don't think I need 24 hour mascara although 16 hour mascara would be nice." So, choosing between these mascara, I pick the one giving me volume. I can curl them with the old fashioned eyelash curler, but if I buy the curling mascara, I have no other tricks to add volume. So, yes, I will buy the volume mascara.  The problem with these mascaras, however, is the price. I have a hard time paying the premium and there are sooooooo many more choices at which to look.

So, I move on to Volum' Express 3X. Is 3X better than XXL PRO? There is an extra "X. It must be better. So, I will cross the XXL PRO off of my list.
Volum' Express 3X
Next, there is Classic Volum' Express. Well, I don't want this one, because Classic must not be as good as 3X. 3X must be a NEW and IMPROVED of the CLASSIC. And what has happened to the "E" at the end of volume? What kind of marketing ploy is this one?
Volum' Express CLASSIC
Next, I move on to Volum' Express 7X. Well, this is great. It must mean I can put on half to achieve the same volume as 3X and who knows how much more than Classic.  I want this one!

Volum' Express 7X

Now, as I writing the above, I had missed my photo of..... hold on now...  Colossal Volum' Express 9X.... I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT!
Volum' Express  COLOSSAL 9X
Now, I wish it were this easy, because there are still more pretty packages with intriguing options.  Still hanging on the wall are the following choices:
  • Full N Soft:  Full and Healthy. I want healthy!
  • Lash Discovery:  Lengthen and Defines. Okay, this one does not sound so interesting.
  • Define A Lash: Lengthening or Volume with Zero Clumps. This one makes you make a choice. There are too many choices and the choices are stressing me out.
  • Pulse Perfection:  7 MUST HAVES of Lash Perfection. PERFECTION! I want perfection. I must pay up for perfection!
  • Great Lash:  Thickens as it conditions; no clumps;  no globs. Sounds simple, but good. This one sounds friendly. It is also close to the old packaging and seems like an old friend and comfortable.
  • Great Lash BIG:  Bigger Brush; Bigger Lashes; Buildable Volume. This is the New and Improved old friend. I can work with this one too.







When I got home, I wanted to make sure that CVS gave me all of my options so I Googled Maybelline.  And as I expected, yes, there are more options... stilettos, more X's, falsies, turbos, etc..  How does one decide?

I think at the drug store, I usually buy the Cover Girl Mascara, but I came upon this wall first, and was so overwhelmed that I could not go to yet another display. So, I dug in to make the purchase. I went for the old friend GREAT LASH in the two pack for $7.99.

So, from now on, I will stick to the Great Lash and avert my eyes from the other choices when I go to purchase mascara as long as I am happy with the purchase I made today. And I will continue to buy this until they discontinue it and they will, because they always discontinue what I like!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I am a Handicapped Speller - Thank Goodness There is a Thing Called Spell Check

In my school, there were the 3 classes of each grade. So, like many other parents, my parents requested that I be put into Mrs. Dunwoody's class. She was a great teacher in many, many memorable ways. However, being in her class meant that I would be in a two year program for the first and second grade. In first grade, I had ITA.

Now, until I just Google it, I did not know that it stood for The Initial Teaching Alphabet. We had an alphabet with 44 letters and special books.


We learned how to read and write very quickly; everything was phonetic. In second grade, we were switched over to regular English and 26 letters. I have been a terrible speller since the 2nd grade.

My re-interest in this subject came from a REALTOR® friend on FB, who made comments today about listings. The discussion came from another agent using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in a listing, but the discussion grew into spelling errors. I think I have another BLOG in me to discuss grammar and spelling, but it made me think back on my own failing in this same realm. I am definitely a poor speller.

So, I went home and Googled this program I was in when I was 6 years old. I knew that it was a program that came from the UK. It, apparently, made it to the USA and Australia as well. The billboards on the web were all the same. It seems we all have become poor, life long spellers.  We all learned to read and write quickly with 44 letters, but all seemed to have struggled beyond that. It seems the program was more widely used in The UK as most of the comments came from there.

To give you an idea of what we wrote and read, here are two examples:

Initial Teaching Alphabet

The ice angel gave the owl a ring.