Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Got My IMAC Back! Arrivederci PC!

I have been away from my Blog for sometime.... my IMac died.  Well, RIP no more!

I love my IMac!

I love Apple Computers. Unless, you are really, really, really techie, it is the way to go and well worth the money.  I am not horrible with computers, but this latest version of Windows just did me in. My MLS required, until recently, the use of Explorer. Thus, I was forced to keep a windows computer to do my real estate work.

The last one I purchased has Windows 7..... Ugh... what an awful experience! I was freezing and rebooting more than getting anything done. And although almost everything I was doing on the web, I was constantly taxing the CPU.  Productivity became very difficult. Even opening and email was time consuming.

My Cat, Birdie AKA Albert P Birdman
So, I decided to face the music and spend some money. So, I took my IMac to the Apple store. I had assumed, and was correct, that it was the hard drive. I cannot really blame Apple for this failure. I believe the failure was due to my cat leaping from a shelf and knocking the IMac and himself to the floor. I believe that was when the computer failed.

It is an entirely different conversation, but the way the Apple store treated me was incredible. What an awesome company! If anyone has any doubts about spending the extra money, don't! It is worth it!

So, now that I can be productive again and easily, I can blog more often. I may be out of strict real estate topics, but will try to keep writing.

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