Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FACEBOOK Friend Requests and Hackers

I want to start by thanking one of my FACEBOOK friends for posting the names of two people identified as hackers on FACEBOOK and sending friend requests. They are a nuisance, and frankly, I don't get it!

Twice, I have had hackers pop up on FACEBOOK Chat. Both times they told me they were stranded in London, a sad story and needed money. The first one, I thought was my FACEBOOK friend, and I deleted him. Sorry Buddy! The second one had the same story, but they chose someone from my life. First, I have not seen her since 1984. Second, I know enough of about her that she would not be reaching out to me for help from London. Third, it was September, and she has children and would not likely be there at the start of school.

Of course, we have all had the hackers send messages and videos from our accounts. I hope by now, we realize it is the hackers at work. I once deleted another friend due to hackers. It was the first of many notifications that said I was reported for putting up objectionable comments and/or pictures. Sorry to that woman too!

There is another thing for my women FACEBOOK friends to look at. I have a lot of friends on FACEBOOK. Of course, I don't know all or them nor do I communicate with all of them. I was not able to get into my friend requests for several days. It was apparently one of those FACEBOOK problems we all know about and experience. I could address them on my phone, but not on my computer. I waited.

Some time ago, one of my FACEBOOK friends notified a group of us that this one particular man had only women friends, and they were all Realtors. I don't know what that fetish was about. I don't really care what it was about. I simply removed him.

Today, I went through the friend requests, which have built up. There were forty. Out of the forty, there were clearly two men that had no connection to me or a few women, and both had only women friends. I am not telling you not to accept these gentlemen as friends, however, I did not. I just question their motivation.

The other thing that troubles me is a lack of a picture, or some image other than a face. It is FACEBOOK! Generally speaking, I will not accept a request with no picture. If I know you in person, I will, but I will still go to your profile and make sure it is you.

Be careful friends, but don't be frightened! There are great people I meet through this vehicle all of the time!

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